
Health is wealth. This category contains tips for good physical and mental health. You can find about foods and physical activities you should follow for better health.

Wearing Masks Sanitiser Social Distancing Covid-19

Can Wearing Masks In Public Gatherings Save You From COVID-19?

Reading Time: 3 minutes . Many people have a wrong understanding that wearing a mask in public gatherings is the only requirement for protection from the virus. That is not true. You must wear a good quality mask or even the health department suggest wearing a double mask. At the same time, you must maintain social distancing and use sanitisers regularly. You must follow all these measures strictly to save yourself and others from the COVID-19 virus.

Foods Should Eat Every Day

8 Foods You Should Eat Every day For Optimal Health

Reading Time: 4 minutes What are the foods you eat every day for good health? Through the environment, whether it is pollution or radiation and through the food that we eat, there are so many bad things that we don’t even realise go into our bodies. A lot of the things that are in our environment actually do increase inflammation in our bodies. The best way to counteract it is through our diet.

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