
Health is wealth. This category contains tips for good physical and mental health. You can find about foods and physical activities you should follow for better health.

Immunity Boosting Superstar Health Benefits Of Garlic

What Are The Health Benefits of Garlic?

Do you know the amazing health benefits of garlic? From Asian to European, garlic is being used in several dishes and medicines. If you know cooking, you know that garlic is usually added to dishes in minimal amounts as a spice to heighten the flavour of the dishes. Do you know from ancient times it is believed that garlic has many medicinal properties?

Health Benefits Of Green Tea

What Are The Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Do you know Green tea is considered to be an “anti-ageing beverage.”? Green tea is one of the healthiest beverage packed with nutrients and antioxidants that are great for your physical and mental health. If you have doubt, you can ask your friend who drinks green tea regularly. I start my day with a cup of green tea daily. I found a video of Doctor Mike explaining 7 health benefits of green tea and the correct method of preparing green tea. After watching his video you will surely start including green tea in your diet.

Health Benefits Of Broccoli

What Are The Health Benefits Of Broccoli

Do you like the taste of Broccoli, the green vegetable looks closely related to Cauliflower vaguely resembles a miniature tree? Some people don’t like the taste and so they avoid this vegetable in their diet. Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable, nutritional powerhouse full of vitamins, fibre and antioxidants and minerals. Nutrient-rich Broccoli can help you to boost your immune system, reducing inflammation, control blood sugar and have many other health benefits.

Indian Habits COVID-19 Coronavirus

5 Indian Habits To Learn During COVID19

Cultural habits are changing across the world during the ongoing situation that has merged people into the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). I found a video from Karolina Goswami, a famous YouTuber narrating about 5 Indian habits that the World wants to learn in the time of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). I thought it is good to share the information because as a proud Indian, I am happy to notice that a foreigner lady is saying good about Indian culture and habits.

Simple Morning RoutineSimple Morning Routine exercise meditation

Simple Morning Routine Will Change Your Life Forever

Do you know starting your day with a perfect morning routine will make your day bright? A perfect morning routine will energise your mind and body. You don’t need to do hard exercises, but simple methods will boost your mental and physical health. The morning sun rays and fresh air are very good for your health. Let’s check what are those 3 simple things that will change your life forever.

Self Protect Against COVID-19 - WHO

How To Self Protect Against COVID-19 – WHO

Are you aware of the fact that COVID-19 is an infectious disease? COVID-19 can spread from person to person mainly through the droplets produced when an infected person speaks, coughs or sneezes. The best way of protection is by keeping social distancing. Continue reading and watch the video to know guidelines from WHO about how to self protect against COVID-19.

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