short stories

Lazy Pot Animated Moral Story
Moral Stories

Lazy Pot Animated Moral Story For Kids

Reading Time: 3 minutes The lazy pot animated moral story teaches the lesson that if you work hard in the initial stages of life, the rest of your life will be better. But if you show laziness and slack off you will waste away your valuable time and damage your precious life.

Good Deed Moral Story
Moral Stories

Good Deed Moral Story For Kids

Reading Time: 3 minutes Your one good deed can turn into another good one. Your one beneficial thing can transform into another great one. This good deed moral story gives you the lesson to never hesitate from helping others. Commonly we ignore helping other people although we can, with little of a stretch, help them. Now and then we are childish and don’t make a big deal about the issues of others. You can find many extraordinary individuals who are famous for their great deeds in helping others. Your one little help might do wonders in their day-to-day existence.Your one good deed can turn into another good one. Your one beneficial thing can transform into another great one. This good deed moral story gives you the lesson to never hesitate from helping others. Commonly we ignore helping other people although we can, with little of a stretch, help them. Now and then we are childish and don’t make a big deal about the issues of others. You can find many extraordinary individuals who are famous for their great deeds in helping others. Your one little help might do wonders in their day-to-day existence.

Two pots animated moral story
Moral Stories

Two Pots Animated Moral Story For Kids

Reading Time: 3 minutes Two pots animated moral story for kids teaches the lesson that you ought to never put down anybody by ridiculing their shortcomings. When you track down shortcomings in others, do you suppose you are exceptional and have no shortcomings by any means? Nobody is amazing in this world, everybody has shortcomings.

Work Hard For Success
Self Improvement

Work Hard For Success – Avoid Laziness

Reading Time: 3 minutes Work hard for success is the only secret to a happy and successful life. Many things may give you temporary happiness, but hard work will provide you with permanent happiness. Your hard work will help the success of others. When you are successful and happy you will automatically spread happiness in the world.

Think Before Taking Action
Self Improvement

Think Before Taking Action

Reading Time: 2 minutes It is very important to think before taking action. If you take any action without proper thinking, that may put you in trouble. Your friends may give you attractive offers, or they may ask you for some help. How do you handle such situations? Many people immediately take action without thinking thoroughly or discussing it with others. You should always think thoroughly before taking any action.

Never Keep Bad Friends
Self Improvement

Why You Should Never Keep Bad Friends

Reading Time: 4 minutes Do you have many friends in the school and neighbourhood? Do you know keeping bad friends is not good because they will take you on the wrong path and damage your life? You should always identify your friends and keep only good friends who can support and guide you on the right path to a successful life.

How valuable you are
Self Improvement

How Valuable You Are?

Reading Time: 2 minutes Have you ever tried to realise how valuable you are? What is the real value of your life? Your value depends on the people surrounded by you, where and how you decide to put yourself among them. Remember, each and everyone is a diamond with unique skills and talents. If a diamond is kept in a box hidden, people can’t find its value. All you need is to polish yourselves and be with the people who understand how valuable you are.

Never Judge A Person Without Knowing The Truth
Self Improvement

Never Judge A Person Without Knowing The Truth

Reading Time: 5 minutes Some people have a habit of talking wrong about a person just by looking at his dress or status. They may not know anything about that person, but just heard some fake news from others. Never judge a person without knowing the truth because what you see or hear may not be the quality and reality of that person.

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