Care of cast nursing management nursing licensing exam

Care Of Cast | How To Take Care Of A Patient Who Has A Cast

Care of cast is an important topic in the musculoskeletal system. This review of the care of cast is explaining the types of casts, how to take care of a patient who has a cast, and interventions. This review is part of the series focused on nurses preparing for the nursing licensing exams including NCLEX-RN, HAAD, MOH, Prometric, and DHA exams.

Quit Bad Habits For Success
Self Improvement

Quit Bad Habits For Success And Happiness In Your Life

Do you know you have to quit bad habits to make your life successful with full of happiness? We all have some good habits and some bad habits. You can call it also good qualities and bad qualities. We should identify the habits which are affecting success and happiness in life. We must change our attitude, bring a positive attitude for a successful life. This article is suggesting you to identify 5 habits and if you have these bad habits, quit them at the earliest.

Exacerbation Of Asthma

Exacerbation Of Asthma | Diagnostic Tests | Nursing Management

Do you know Asthma is a common chronic disease worldwide and affects millions of people? Asthma is the most common chronic disease in childhood, affecting many children worldwide. In this article and video, we will be discussing diagnostic tests, medical management and nursing management of a client with exacerbation of asthma. Review of Asthma part II is a continuation to the previous article on review of Asthma part I. This session is part of the review series for nurses preparing for NCLEX-RN, DHA, HAAD, MOH and Prometric exams.

Asthma Symptoms Pathophysiology Triggers Severity Of Asthma

Asthma Symptoms Pathophysiology Triggers Severity Of Asthma

Do you have asthma problem? Do you like to know about asthma symptoms, pathophysiology of asthma, triggers of asthma, and severity of asthma? Asthma is a very common condition that often comes up when you are talking about NCLEX-RN, HAAD, MOH and DHA or any Govt exams for nursing officer in India. This review of Asthma is part of the series for nurses preparing to sit licensing exams which includes NCLEX-RN, HAAD, MOH and DHA. Although the content is mainly focused for nurses, anyone who would like to know about asthma can get a knowledge about Asthma. Let’s continue with the topic.

Regular Physical Activity

Regular Physical Activity – WHO Guidelines And Recommendations

Do you know regular physical activity is important for physical and mental health and well-being? The World Health Organization has released its new guidelines and recommendations on regular physical activity for people of all ages. This article and the video provides you the key points to keep in mind while planning your exercise regimen.

Nursing Management Primary Hyperaldosteronism

Primary Hyperaldosteronism | Causes And Nursing Management

This article is all about Primary Hyperaldosteronism, also known as Conn’s syndrome which is characterised by hypernatremia, hypokalemia and alkalosis. Hyperaldosteronism is characterised by excessive secretion of aldosterone, which causes increases in sodium reabsorption and loss of potassium and hydrogen ions. Primary hyperaldosteronism is caused by a problem with one or both adrenal glands. The content is for general information but mainly focused on nurses preparing for their licensing exams including NCLEX-RN, DHA, MOH, HAAD and prometric. The nursing management revolves around monitoring the blood pressure and complications related to hypokalemia and providing interventions to managing blood pressure and potassium levels as well as preparing the client for adrenalectomy, if indicated.

Easy Ways To Make People Remember You
Self Improvement

Easy Ways To Make People Remember You For A Life Time

Do you know how to make people remember you forever? We meet many people through out the journey of life. But from all the people we meet, we remember only selected people for a lifetime. There is something special about them, that leaves an unerasable memory in our brains. Do you want people to remember you for a lifetime? In this article you can find easy ways to achieve that. This personality development article will teach you the essential soft skills required to create an important impact and leave a positive memory about you in other’s mind.

Work From Home Tips To Stay Productive

Work From Home Tips To Stay Productive Even In A Lockdown

Are you a person working from home due to COVID-19? Do you like to learn a few work from home tips to stay productive even in a lockdown period? Many people who have no experience of work from home find it difficult to follow this method of working. For them many things are disturbing them during their work from home. The aim of this post is to give you some suggestions and tips for working from home. Continue reading till the end of this post and would appreciate your valuable comments in the comment box.

Facts About Hand Sanitisers During COVID-19

10 Must Know Facts About Hand Sanitisers During COVID-19

Are you aware of the facts about hand sanitisers that are widely used as recommended by the health departments? During the pandemic COVID-19, we all have heard and learned a new term ‘Hand sanitisers’ and today this term is well known to everyone even to small kids. Although these days hand sanitisers are widely used, there are a lot of misinformation and myths surrounding about hand sanitisers. This article is aimed to remove your common doubts and spread awareness about the use and points to keep in mind when purchasing and using hand sanitisers to stay safe from COVID-19.

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