Foods Should Eat Every Day

8 Foods You Should Eat Every day For Optimal Health

What are the foods you eat every day for good health? Through the environment, whether it is pollution or radiation and through the food that we eat, there are so many bad things that we don’t even realise go into our bodies. A lot of the things that are in our environment actually do increase inflammation in our bodies. The best way to counteract it is through our diet.

Delisha Davis Fuel Tanker Driver
Success Stories

Delisha Davis 24-Yr-Old Kerala Woman Fuel Tanker Driver

This article is about the inspirational story of Delisha Davis, a 24-year-old woman from Thrissur, Kerala state, India, who drives a fuel tanker lorry. Her father Davis who has been a tanker driver for 42 years had no qualms about encouraging his daughter to achieve her passion and goal. Probably Delisha Davis is the only woman who holds a license in Kerala to drive vehicles carrying hazardous goods, with the Fire and Safety license.

Social Media Addiction

How Social Media Addiction Will Destroy Your Health And Life

We are all aware of the fact that technology is improving day by day. Today, everything is available at a fingertip. We can talk to people on live video, learn things through a live webinar. Specialist Doctors are available for live consulting from anywhere in the world. We can discuss and get advice online from experts in any field. But there are many wrong sides due to the misuse of technology and social media. In this article, let us discuss a few points about social media addiction.

Ultimate Sleep Routine

Ultimate Sleep Routine For High Performance

Maintain a better sleep routine. As you know, good and proper sleep is essential for better health. If you don’t get enough sleep, your mind and body can’t refresh properly. That will create many unwanted health problems. You must hard work, but that doesn’t mean you work without giving enough rest to your body and mind. Eat healthily, sleep well, have regular exercises. That’s the secret to healthy living.

Decrease Belly Fat

How Can Decrease Belly Fat With Proper Sleep?

Are you worried about your belly fat, high cholesterol level and sleeping problems? Do you know you can decrease belly fat naturally with a healthy lifestyle and proper sleep? Do you know your smartphone can cause increased belly fat and cause a heart attack? It is a fact that in the present world, many people irrespective of their age are facing these problems. Electronic devices, social media entertainment all have changed our lifestyle causing problems with good sleep. Our junk food eating habits causing many health issues. When facing health problems, we consult a doctor and take medications that again cause problems. In this article, you will find a tiny little lifestyle change that you can do which will cause a big impact in your life. In the video, Dr Pal is explaining how you can use your sleep to decrease belly fat.

Self Improvement

Glossophobia – 5 Effective Ways To Overcome The Fear Of Public Speaking

Have you heard the word Glossophobia? Do you have stage fear or the fear of public speaking? In the beginning, many people have stage fear and nervousness. When attending on a stage in public, feeling nervous is normal. But if that nervousness reflects in your body language and expressions, your audience will not appreciate it. This article will help you overcome stage fear and nervousness while delivering presentations or public speaking.

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