Animal Group Names Monkeys

Animal Group Names For Kids Learning

Hello Kids! Animal group names are an attractive and sometimes quirky aspect of the English language. These names can be entertaining and educational, providing a fun way to learn about different animals and how they live in social groups. From the murder of crows to a parliament of owls, animal group names offer a unique glimpse into the world of animals and the way they interact with each other. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most fascinating and unusual animal group names, as well as the reasons behind them.

Animal Group Names For Kids Learning

Have you ever wondered what a group of animals is called? Well, wonder no more! Different animals have different names for their groups, and they can be really interesting.

Let’s take a look at some common animal group names:

  1. A herd of elephants: Elephants are social animals and are often found in large herds. A herd can consist of up to 100 elephants, and they use their trunks and trumpeting calls to communicate with each other.
  2. A pride of lions: Lions are also social animals and live in pride, which are groups that consist of around 15 lions. Pride are usually led by a dominant male lion, known as the “king of the jungle.”
  3. A school of fish: Fish are not usually social animals, but they sometimes gather in groups called schools. Schools of fish can consist of thousands of individual fish and swim in unison, which can be quite mesmerizing.
  4. A pack of wolves: Wolves are highly social animals and live in packs, consisting of up to 30 wolves. Wolves hunt together and work as a team to take down their prey.
  5. A colony of ants: Ants are incredibly social insects and live in colonies, which can consist of millions of individual ants. Ants work together to build their nests and find food, and they use chemical signals to communicate with each other.
  6. A troop of monkeys: Monkeys are also social animals and live in troops, which can consist of up to 50 monkeys. Monkeys use their tails and hands to swing from trees and communicate with each other using a variety of vocalizations.
  7. A flock of birds: Birds are social animals and often gather in flocks, which can consist of hundreds or thousands of individual birds. Flocks of birds can be seen flying in unison, which is a beautiful sight to behold.
  8. A swarm of bees: Bees are social insects and live in colonies, but when they are on the move, they can form a swarm. Swarms can consist of thousands of bees and can be quite intimidating, but bees are usually not aggressive when they are swarming.
  9. A parliament of owls: Owls are birds that are known for their wisdom, and when they gather together, they form a parliament. A parliament of owls can consist of up to 20 individual birds.
  10. A bloat of hippopotamuses: Hippos are large, semi-aquatic mammals that live in groups called bloats. A bloat can consist of up to 30 hippos, and they are usually found near water sources.
  11. A tower of giraffes: Giraffes are tall animals with long necks, and when they are seen together, they form a tower. A tower of giraffes can consist of up to 20 individual animals.
  12. A prickle of porcupines: Porcupines are mammals with sharp quills that they use to defend themselves. When they are seen together, they form a prickle. A prickle of porcupines can consist of up to 10 individual animals.
  13. A pack of hyenas: Hyenas are carnivorous mammals that are known for their distinctive laugh. They live in packs, which can consist of up to 80 individual animals.
  14. A crash of rhinoceroses: Rhinoceroses are large, powerful mammals that live in groups called crashes. A crash can consist of up to 12 rhinoceroses, and they are usually found in grasslands and savannas.
  15. A cackle of hyenas: Hyenas are known for their vocalizations, and when they are heard together, they form a cackle. This group name refers to the distinctive sound that hyenas make when communicating with each other.
  16. A convocation of eagles: Eagles are majestic birds of prey that live in groups called convocations. A convocation of eagles can consist of up to 20 individual birds.
  17. A mob of kangaroos: Kangaroos are marsupials that live in groups called mobs. A mob of kangaroos can consist of up to 50 individuals and is usually led by a dominant male kangaroo.
  18. A colony of penguins: Penguins are aquatic birds that live in groups called colonies. A colony of penguins can consist of up to several thousand individuals and is usually found in cold regions such as Antarctica.
  19. A dazzle of zebras: Zebras are striped mammals that live in groups called dazzles. A dazzle of zebras can consist of up to several hundred individuals and is usually led by a dominant male zebra.
  20. A business of ferrets: Ferrets are small, carnivorous mammals that live in groups called businesses. A business of ferrets can consist of up to several dozen individuals and is usually led by a dominant female ferret.
  21. A troop of baboons: Baboons are primates that live in groups called troops. A troop of baboons can consist of up to several dozen individuals and is usually led by a dominant male baboon.
  22. A murder of crows: A crow is a black bird that belongs to the family Corvidae, which also includes ravens, magpies, and jays. A murder of crows is a collective noun used to describe a group of crows. They are found in many parts of the world and are known for their intelligence, adaptability, and distinct “cawing” call.

Animal Group Names – Animals for Kids 

Animal group names can be really interesting and can teach us a lot about the behavior of different animals. Next time you’re out in nature, see if you can spot any of these animal groups in action!


In conclusion, animal group names are a fascinating aspect of the English language that can teach us a lot about different species and how they live together in communities. By learning these names and the stories behind them, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity and complexity of the animal kingdom. Whether you’re interested in biology, or language, or just enjoy fun facts, animal group names are a great way to explore the natural world in a new and exciting way. So next time you encounter a group of animals, take a moment to consider what they might be called – you never know what fascinating name you might discover.

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If you like to read more animal group names, you can find them here

Featured Photo by Klub Boks

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