ABC phonics for kids and how to spell English words that start with each letter of the alphabet is very good to teach your kids. Your kids will enjoy learning through the flashcards and the wonderful presentation. Are you excited? Ok! Let’s begin.
Learn How To Spell English Words And ABC Phonics For Kids
How To Spell English Words?
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Apples are yummy fruit.
Balls are round and bouncy and are mostly used in sports.
Cats are cute and furry pets. meow meow.
A drum is a musical instrument that makes a boom sound when hit by a drumstick.
Eggs are good for health.
Fish have gills that help them to breed in the water.
Goats have horns and they are raised on farms.
We use hats to protect our heads when it’s too hot or too cold.
Iguanas are reptiles.
The jar is used for keeping goods.
It’s super fun to fly a kite.
Lions like to hunt and they live in groups called pride.
The moon is the earth’s neighbour and we usually see it shine brightly at night.
The nest is where a bird lays its eggs.
Aside from having those big eyes, owls are only active at night.
Pens are used for writing and drawing.
The queen lives in the castle with the king.
A robot is a very cool toy that makes a sound.
The sun is a giant hot star that shines brightly during the daytime.
Trees give us wood to make furniture and other useful items.
A Unicorn is a mythical creature that looks like a pony.
A vase is used to hold flowers.
Whales are big and beautiful amazing mammals that live in the deep blue sea.
The xylophone is a musical instrument played using a mallet.
A yacht is a beautiful big ship that runs faster than a regular boat.
We go to the zoo to see our favourite animals.
Hope you found the above ABC phonics for kids video and the related images useful to teach your kids. The animation and the presentation are very good and enjoyable to kids.
Mathukutty P. V. is the founder of Simply Life Tips, a blogger, content writer, influencer, and YouTuber passionate about learning and sharing. Guided by “Simple Living, Creative Thinking,” he believes in the power of knowledge sharing and lifelong learning.