corona virus

Health Experts Protectr Immune System

How to Protect Your Immune System

We all know the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is spreading rapidly and makes headlines in the media. Health experts are advising to improve your immune system to protect yourself from the attack of COVID-19. It is a great time to think about how to improve your immune system naturally.

COVID-19 WHO Pregnancy And Breastfeeding Guidelines
Kids Health

Pregnancy And Breastfeeding Guidelines – COVID-19

We all know COVID-19 outbreak has affected the whole world and everyone is worried and tensed about this disease. In normal days, pregnant and breastfeeding women have to take proper care. WHO has published COVID-19 pregnancy and breastfeeding guidelines for women to take proper care to prevent infection.

novel Coronavirus covid-19

Why Is novel Coronavirus Causing A Health Emergency?

What is a novel Coronavirus that have the power to lock down the world? How a small virus could affect the world economy, stop all flights and trains, control the movement of vehicles and people? What is the power in the COVID-19 virus to force people all over the world to stay at home?

Self Protect Against COVID-19 - WHO

How To Self Protect Against COVID-19 – WHO

Are you aware of the fact that COVID-19 is an infectious disease? COVID-19 can spread from person to person mainly through the droplets produced when an infected person speaks, coughs or sneezes. The best way of protection is by keeping social distancing. Continue reading and watch the video to know guidelines from WHO about how to self protect against COVID-19.

COVID-19 Advice For The Public - WHO - Coronavirus Myth Busters

Coronavirus Myth Busters | COVID-19 WHO Advice

There are many myths and fake news spreading about coronavirus. People should not trust or forward such messages. We should only forward and follow information and guidelines from public health departments, WHO and such authorised agencies. Sharing Coronavirus Myth Busters | COVID-19 Advice For The Public found on World Health Organisation.

Covid-19 Coping With Stress Coronavirus

Covid-19 Coping With Stress During The 2019-nCoV Outbreak

Coronavirus is spreading in many countries and affected many people. We all know during any crisis, health problems, it is normal to feel sad, stressed, confused, scared or angry. WHO has guidelines on how to cope with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak. Let’s find guidelines of Covid-19 Coping With Stress.

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