The Fox And The Grapes

The Fox And The Grapes: A Moral Story Of Positive Attitude

The story of the fox and the grapes is a classic tale that has been passed down through generations. It is a simple yet powerful story that teaches children the importance of perseverance and a positive attitude in achieving their goals. The story follows a hungry fox who becomes frustrated when he cannot reach the grapes he desires. In the end, the fox learns a valuable lesson about the power of persistence and the dangers of making excuses. Through this story, children can learn to develop a growth mindset and overcome obstacles in their own lives.

The Fox And The Grapes

Once upon a time, there was a hungry fox who came across a beautiful vine with juicy grapes hanging from it. The fox tried to reach the grapes, but they were too high for him to reach. He jumped and jumped, but he couldn’t get his paws on them.

The fox became frustrated and thought to himself, “These grapes are probably sour anyway. I didn’t really want them.” So, the fox walked away, feeling disappointed and ashamed that he couldn’t reach the grapes.

The next day, the fox came across another vine with even more beautiful grapes. Again, he tried to reach them, but they were too high for him. The fox jumped and jumped, but he still couldn’t reach them. He became even more frustrated than before and thought to himself, “These grapes are probably sour too. I don’t really need them.”

The fox continued on his journey, feeling disappointed and ashamed that he couldn’t reach the grapes. As he walked away, he heard a voice from behind him, “It’s not the grapes that are sour, it’s your attitude.”

The fox turned around and saw a wise old owl sitting in a tree. The owl continued, “You gave up too easily, and now you’re trying to make yourself feel better by saying that the grapes were sour. If you had really wanted the grapes, you would have kept trying until you succeeded.”

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The fox realized that the owl was right. He had given up too easily and was trying to make excuses for his failure. He learned that he needed to work hard and persevere if he wanted to achieve his goals.

Moral Of The Story – The Fox And The Grapes

The moral of the story the fox and the grapes is that it’s easy to give up and make excuses when we face obstacles in life. But, if we want to achieve our goals, we need to set effective goals and work hard and persevere. We should never give up on our dreams, and we should always strive to be positive and optimistic, even in the face of adversity.


In the end, the fox realized that his negative attitude and lack of perseverance had led him to miss out on the grapes he desired. He learned that success requires hard work and determination and that making excuses and giving up too easily will only lead to failure. This timeless story teaches children the value of a positive attitude, persistence, and hard work in achieving their goals. By embodying these qualities, children can develop a growth mindset and overcome obstacles in their own lives. The moral of this story is clear: we must never give up on our dreams, and we must always work hard and persevere, even in the face of adversity. The power of dreaming big is important for a successful life.

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