
How To Lose Belly Fat Naturally

How To Lose Belly Fat Naturally Without Complex Dieting?

Please remember there is no shortcut to reduce belly fat. You might have read many people saying on social media that”Reducing belly fat in 3 days”. That will not work as the next 3 days will come back again soon. We have abused our body to build up belly fat and it is time for us to work hard and smart to reduce it. This is a type of intermittent fasting coupled with the benefits of the circadian rhythm. This post is based on the video talk of Dr Palaniappan Manickam (Dr Pal), a Physician in California. In the video, he assures that If you can stick to his suggestions on a daily basis for at least 6 weeks, you can surely see results. Patience and consistency is the key.

Work From Home Tips To Stay Productive

Work From Home Tips To Stay Productive Even In A Lockdown

Are you a person working from home due to COVID-19? Do you like to learn a few work from home tips to stay productive even in a lockdown period? Many people who have no experience of work from home find it difficult to follow this method of working. For them many things are disturbing them during their work from home. The aim of this post is to give you some suggestions and tips for working from home. Continue reading till the end of this post and would appreciate your valuable comments in the comment box.

Health Benefits Almonds immunity immune system

12 Incredible Health Benefits Of Almonds

As you know almonds are very popular nuts. Almonds are blend in with your smoothie, curry, cakes, and puddings. Almonds can be great for garnishing almost any kind of cuisine. The skin of dry almonds contains an inhibitor for enzymes, that protects the seed from germination moisture. Soaking almonds in water releases this inhibitor and hence the consumption of soaked almonds provide a myriad of nutrients and boosts digestion. Are you aware of the fact that by soaking almonds in water, you can boost the health benefits of almonds?

Health Benefits Of Apples

15 Impressive Health Benefits Of Apples

Sometimes, the simpler the food is the greater health benefits it can bring. Do you know that Apple is a healthy fruit which is packed with beneficial nutrients? The health benefits of apples are numerous. Let’s check the list of top 15 impressive health benefits of apples and why should eat at least one apple in a day.

Health Benefits Of Capsicum (Bell Pepper) Health Benefits Of Capsicum (Bell Pepper)

20 Incredible Health Benefits Of Capsicum (Bell Pepper)

Do you know the amazing health benefits of capsicum that offers tremendous nutrition for your body and one of the best immunity booster? Everyone wishes to feel energised during the day and live a healthy lifestyle. But many people don’t know healthy food consists of nutrition, vitamins and fibre are important for a healthy life. All these are available in organic vegetables, fruits and other organic foods. Let’s find the incredible health benefits of capsicum.

Immunity Immune system habits

Habits Damage Immunity | 10 Habits That Directly Harm Your Immunity

What are the factors make your immunity weaker? Various factors can make your immunity weaker and render you susceptible to diseases. Do you know that many common daily habits actually harm your immune system? Most of your habits directly impact your immune system, especially as you age. It is important to adopt healthy habits and quit bad habits to maintain a strong immune system. Let’s look at the top 10 everyday habits that directly harm your immunity.

Health Benefits Of Papaya ImmunityBooster

Health Benefits Of Papaya Never Known To You

Do you know the amazing health benefits of papaya? You are not alone, many people don’t know about the health benefits of papaya. Many people use raw papaya for making dishes. Some people don’t like papaya because they treat papaya as a poor man’s fruit. They don’t know papaya can improve digestion, treat constipation, improve immunity and much more.

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